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Need a home phone service?
Great news, you're eligible to sign-up to our Vonage for Home offer
1 VoIP offers a modern cost-effective way of making telephone calls at home over the internet, without the need for a traditional telephone line. You can make and receive calls as per normal with VoIP. The only main difference if that calls go via your broadband router and the internet. Therefore, if you lose internet connectivity (e.g. a power cut) you won't be able to make any calls. As traditional voice telephony services reach the end of their life, operators are increasingly using VoIP instead. It's the de facto voice technology of the future.
2 Vonage Extensions ® App can be downloaded for free from both the Google Play Store (Android) or App store (Apple). See the Vonage for Home website for details.
3 12 month contract with Vonage for Home required.