Buy in confidence with our guarantees
As a FibreNest customer you're always covered, we offer a range of guarantees to make sure you're always getting a fair deal or get appropriate compensation if we don't do what we promise. We want to be up front and won't make you scroll through our Terms & Conditions to find out what's what, everything you need is right here.
FibreNest Price Freeze
We're all about great value and predictability. That's why with FibreNest, we guarantee that the price you pay for your
broadband plan won't increase until April 2025 at the earliest - that's right, our broadband prices are frozen for
months to come.
This means you can sign-up in the confidence that our prices are fixed for the immediate future and
won't shoot up. The only event that would cause us to ever increase our prices is if the law requires us to, for
example, the rate of VAT increases or new regulatory obligations.

Predictable Prices
Unlike other Internet Service Providers we don't link annual price rises to inflation or use a complicated formula. We prefer to define price increases as simple fixed amounts, that's why we'll able to confirm that from April 2025, any price rises will be capped to a maximum of £2.00 per month. It doesn't matter if the rate of inflation goes up again or if interest rates climb, you'll never experience eye-watering automatic price increases with FibreNest. Few providers can give you price certainty like this.
Ultimate Flexibility
We guarantee that we'll always be upfront and transparent with you on pricing. That's why we charge new and existing customers exactly the same amount. In addition, we don't demand that you sign up for 24 months to get the best price. Our standard contract lasts just 12 months. If that's too long for you, we have a rolling monthly contract option called Broadband Flex. Whatever, contract you choose we guarantee that your broadband will be up and running from the day you move me.
FibreNest Fault Repair Guarantee
We understand how important it is to remain connected to the Internet these days. If you ever experience a technical problem, we'll do our very best to get it fixed as soon as possible. In many cases we can fix problems remotely without an Engineer needing to visit your property. If you need a home visit, we'll do our best to get an Engineer out to you within 2 working days, should you be available.

Compensation Amounts
In the event of any fault or outage we'll aim to get your service restored within 2 working days. If the fault results in a total loss of service and we don't restore your service after 2 working days, you will be eligible to receive a credit of £9.76 (inc. VAT) for each calendar day you're without any service. This starts after the 2 working days have elapsed. Working days are Monday to Friday and exclude Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
So, for example, if you lost service on a Friday and we didn't restore your service to the following Tuesday you will be able to claim 2 days (£19.52) worth of service credits.
Example: Total loss of service fault lasting 6 calendar days.

Any service credits you claim and we approve will be applied to your FibreNest broadband invoice after we've closed the fault. We will confirm by email the amount you'll receive and when the credit will appear on your FibreNest bill.
Qualifying Faults
To qualify for a service credit the fault must relate to something we're responsible for providing as part of your broadband service. You must also experience a total loss of service. If the problem relates to equipment or services in your home, for example, your electricity supply or computer equipment, you won't be able to receive a service credit. Similarly, if you damage our equipment or your property is adversely affected by extreme weather conditions (for example your home was flooded), and our service is prevented from working you won't be able to claim a credit.
Fault Duration
All credits are calculated from the time that a fault reference number is issued and subsequently closed. Where you report a fault, we cannot backdate the start date. You are advised to contact us as soon as you have a problem. If we contact you to advise you of a major fault, we'll measure the duration of the fault from the point that we first detected it and opened a reference number.
Home Visits
If we need to send an Engineer out to you to fix a fault, we ask that you make yourself available on an agreed date and where necessary you allow us to conduct repairs inside your property at the earliest possible opportunity. We offer appointments on normal working days between the hours of 8am and 4pm. In the event we need to delay a repair at your request this may reduce the amount you can claim.
Missed Appointments
If we agree an appointment date with you and our Engineers don't arrive the same day, your appointment will be considered as missed and you will be able to claim a one-off service credit of £30.49 (inc. VAT). You'll also be entitled to this amount if we ask to re-book an Engineer's appointment within 24 hours of the original appointment. Where an appointment is missed because you are unavailable we may charge a fee to cover our time.
FibreNest Late Installation Guarantee
We'll always do our very best to deliver your Broadband service on the date we promised. If we don't meet the date that we quote you, we'll do one of two things.

Temporary Service
Provide a temporary best efforts service at no charge until we can deliver the speed you ordered. Where a temporary broadband solution is offered, it may potentially be in place for a few days or several weeks.
Daily Compensation
Where FibreNest fails to deliver the broadband service you ordered you will receive compensation of £6.10* for each day we are late. Your compensation will start from the contracted delivery date and continue until we provide the service you're ordered or you agree to accept an alternative Broadband service (for example, a slower speed broadband connection).
Where we compensate you for late service delivery we will raise a service credit to cover the time you were without any service. This credit will be automatically applied to your invoice following activation. You don't need to conduct FibreNest to request the credit.
If you would prefer to receive your compensation as a one off payment instead of a service credit, you should contact us to state your preference. Where requested, such payments will be made within 10 days of your service going live or after your activation has been delayed for 30 days (whatever is sooner).
* £6.10 is inclusive of VAT. No credit will be due beyond the date that FibreNest advises you that your contracted service is available for activation.
FibreNest WiFi Guarantee
Reliable WiFi Speeds, Guaranteed!
We understand the importance of having a great WiFi signal throughout your home, and just how frustrating it can be to have rooms with less than perfect coverage. With FibreNest's new WiFi guarantee, customers now have the option of taking an optional add-on that guarantees a minimum WiFi download speed of at least 25Mbps in every internal room. If we can't achieve this you'll be able to claim a onetime service credit of £100.

Monthly Fee
£11.95 per month
(+ one-off £9.99 delivery charge)
The FibreNest WiFi guarantee add-on costs £11.95 per month and comes with up to 3 extra FibreNest WiFi pods for your home. To take advantage of the add-on you just need to be on a Full Fibre plan with a download speed of 75Mbps or above, and live in a property with 2 or more bedrooms.

We've Got You Covered
As you can imagine, we know exactly how your house is laid out so we have already worked out how many extra pods you'll need for the best in-home WiFi experience. As soon as you activate your main broadband service and confirm your WiFi guarantee add-on order, we'll get your extra WiFi pods delivered the next working day. You'll be up and running before you know it.
To order the WiFi guarantee you can simply add it to your Full Fibre order when you sign up online. Alternatively, if you're an existing FibreNest customer you can add it from your FibreNest dashboard page, log in here.
For Frequently Asked Questions about WiFi Guarantee, please visit our Help and Support page here.
FibreNest WiFi Guarantee - Terms & Conditions
Available to FibreNest Full Fibre customers with 12 month plans and download speeds of 75Mbps or higher. 1 bedroom properties excluded. 30 day rolling WiFi guarantee add-on required. An additional monthly charge of £11.95 (inc. VAT) applies and covers FibreNest providing you with between 1 and 3 extra WiFi pods at your property. 30 days notice required to remove the add-on. Extra WiFi pods are dispatched after service activation. All WiFi pod deliveries carry a standard shipping charge of £9.99. Smartphone and FibreNest HomePass™ app download required. If you follow the installation guidance provided in the app and don't receive a WiFi download speed of at least 25Mbit/s in every internal room you will be entitled to claim a £100 service credit. All such claims are subject to validation by FibreNest and all devices must be physically capable of a WiFi download speed of at least 25Mbit/s. No claims accepted within the first 15 days of any extra WiFi pods being delivered. FibreNest will have 30 days to rectify all slow WiFi download issues reported and during this time the add-on must remain active. If after 30 days of reporting an issue, we cannot increase your WiFi download speed to at least 25Mbit/s in every internal room a £100 credit will be applied to your account. Only one claim may be made in your tenure as a FibreNest customer in the same property. The WiFi guarantee does not extend to devices located external to your property, this includes gardens, all external buildings, outhouses, sheds, lean-tos, garages, patios and driveways. Unless advised differently all WiFi pods require self-installation and you agree to use the Plume HomePass™ app. WiFi pods remain the property of FibreNest and you agree to return them as per our instructions if you remove the WiFi guarantee add-on or cancel your main FibreNest contract. Failure to return all the pods in good order within 60 days may result in a non-return charge of £90 per pod being applied to your account. By ordering the WiFi guarantee add-on you agree to these terms. Available to all customers. Existing customers may be subject to an additional router upgrade charge of up to £90. This will be reduced to £25 if you re-contract to a qualifying Full Fibre plan for another 12 months at the time of ordering your WiFi guarantee add-on.
Contact us: we're here to help

With exceptional customer service; our UK call centres offer help and advice from
8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, and 9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday