Vulnerable Persons Policy
About this Policy
At FibreNest, we want to ensure that we provide our customers with the best possible service. To do this, it is important that we understand the needs of our customers who require additional support due to specific circumstances.
We provide a range of services which can be used to assist customers with particular needs, whether permanent or temporary.
What is a 'Vulnerable Customer'?
We recognise that our customers have a variety of requirements and abilities. Some may be vulnerable due to their additional physical or mental needs, whilst others may be vulnerable due to personal circumstances which make them more susceptible to harm or detriment.
There may be many factors that could require customers to need additional support from us, including, for example:
- Age
- Physical or learning disability
- Physical or mental illness
- Low literacy skills
- Communication difficulties
- Changes in circumstances, such as bereavement or financial difficulties
The cause of a vulnerability may be temporary or permanent, can vary widely, and may not always be obvious. We take these very seriously and will always do our best to do whatever we can to deliver the service that every customer expects in any circumstance.
Identifying our Customers' Needs
We are committed to ensuring that each vulnerable customer receives fair and appropriate treatment and we understand that vulnerability does not affect everyone in the same way.
Our trained staff wish to work with you and support individual circumstances.
When you join FibreNest, during the online sign-up process we ask you to provide details which will enable us to support you. We would also encourage you to inform Customer Support at any time of concerns you may have and support you may need. Being able to have up to date records will help us assist you better.
We may need to ask your permission to keep a record of any personal information about your situation and how we should help. Everything will be kept in accordance with Data Protection Legislation.
For more information about how we hold or use your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
Our Support Services
FibreNest offers a number of different support services. We appreciate it is not always easy to ask but we want to offer the correct level of support for you. This includes:
- Alternative formats
- Priority Fault Repair, this also covers broadband
- Directory Enquiries
- Next Generation Text Relay
- Directory Enquiries
- 999 Emergency Video Calls for those who use British Sign Language (BSL)
- Third party bill management
- Financial difficulties
The team at FibreNest are happy to discuss any of the options above and how these services can assist you.
We continually monitor and review how we handle accessibility to ensure it is effective and appropriate, including customer feedback and internal analysis. Please let us know if we could be doing better.
Phone on: 0333 234 2220 (option 2)
Email at: support@fibrenest.com;
Website: Contact Form
Post to: FibreNest, Box 745, York, YO1 0JF
Policy review
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it is fit for purpose, so that Vulnerable Customers using the Service receive fair and appropriate treatment and so that they can continue to have access to the right support services.
This document was updated in June 2022 and was correct at the time of publication.
Contact us
You can get in touch via
- FibreNest
- PO Box 745
- York
- YO1 0JF
Customer Services - 0333 234 2220.
(available 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, and 9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday)